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Indian Embassy in Sana, Yemen
Timings :: Holidays :: India Visa Information :: Visa Fees
Chancery :
Building No. 12, Djibouti Street, Off Hadda Street, Sana’a
Postal Address:
P.O. Box No. 1154, Sana’a, Republic of Yemen
Fax No.: 00-967-1-441257
Telex No.: 0895-2578 INDEMB YE
Tel. No.: 00-967-1-441251 and 441252
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Web :
Click Here for more information
Saturday to Wednesday : 0830-1300 hrs and 1330-1700 hrs
Thursday and Friday - Closed holidays
Visa applications are received between 0900 hrs to 1100 hrs on all working days and
are delivered between 1600hrs to 1630hrs the same day
Applicants are advised to check whether the Embassy is working on a particualr day.
An appropriate notice is put up in the Embassy premise about the forthcoming holidays.